Apis Plugin

—- plugin —- description: Create the summary of a hive and create a form to add hive manipulations author : Monika Dispas email : monika@dispas.be type : syntax,action lastupdate : 2011-07-18 compatible : Rincewind depends : conflicts : similar : tags :

downloadurl: http://apiwiki.bajoit.net/ressources/ bugtracker : sourcerepo : donationurl:


No external requirements

Install the plugin using the Plugin Manager and the download URL above, which points to latest version of the plugin. Refer to Plugins on how to install plugins manually.


See the plugin in images here. The sample page shows all the steps available with the plugin.

A hive description:

[HIVE lili]


Change Log

  • 2011-07-15
    • Initial release

Known Bugs and Issues

  • no one at this day :-)

ToDo/Wish List

  • no one at this day :-)


Lets me know your comments.

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